ASD’s purpose is to defend Australia from global threats and advance the national interest through the provision of foreign signals intelligence, cyber security and offensive cyber operations, as directed by the Government. While ASD’s purpose will not change significantly over the duration of this corporate plan, the way in which it meets the needs of Australians and the Australian Government will evolve in response to shifts in its operating context and changes in the global threat environment.
For the duration of this corporate plan, ASD will assess its performance against its purpose through a mix of qualitative and quantitative assessments. This corporate plan communicates new enterprise key performance indicators as ASD’s performance evaluation baseline. The enterprise key performance indicators provide a performance measurement foundation that will link ASD’s performance goals directly to tangible metrics in each ASD Group.
ASD will continue to evolve its performance evaluation processes to ensure it effectively demonstrates the value of ASD’s activities to the Australian Government. Due to the nature of ASD’s work, some performance measures will continue to be reported through existing performance frameworks in classified channels
Performance criteria

ASD's planning framework