ASD’s Executive Committee is the primary support for the Director-General in the governance of ASD. The Executive Committee has oversight of all of ASD’s functions. It defines operational and corporate risk tolerances, and oversees effective risk management.
The Director-General is supported in these functions by ASD’s governance frameworks and committees. The Director-General has appointed accountable officers for managing risk across four key domains. These domains are:
- security, integrity and reputation
- enterprise performance
- people, finance and workplace health and safety
- data, technology and infrastructure.
A diagram of the relevant committees and their chairs is provided in the graphic below.
The accountable officer for security, integrity and reputation is the Director-General of ASD. He is supported in this through the Management Review Committee, which deals with personnel security issues, and the ASD Audit and Risk Committee, which provides external oversight of ASD’s governance and performance.
The Principal Deputy Director-General of ASD supports the Director-General in matters relating to enterprise performance through the Enterprise Performance Committee.
Matters related to people, finance, and workplace health and safety are considered by the Business Management Committee, which is chaired by the Deputy Director-General Corporate and Capability. The Business Management Committee is a new forum that amalgamates the functions of the formerly separate people and finance committees, and also considers matters related to estate management and workplace health and safety.
The Data, Technology and Infrastructure Committee considers matters related to ASD’s data, technology and infrastructure investment, and ensures that these activities are aligned with ASD’s strategic goals. It is chaired by ASD’s Deputy Director-General Corporate and Capability.
During the period of its last corporate plan, ASD established its Audit and Risk Committee to meet the requirements of section 45 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act. The Committee provides independent assurance of ASD’s risk management framework, internal governance and performance. The Committee has three external members, one of whom chairs the Committee.
During the period of this corporate plan, ASD will mature its corporate governance frameworks and enhance its performance reporting, enterprise risk management and decision support material.